Samsung showcases new Micro LED technology that will be powering new models of The Wall | Nasi Lemak Tech

2022-09-16 19:27:49 By : Ms. Doris Wang

Samsung’s one of the old guys within the display technology scene and is particularly known for the pioneer works in OLED but the latest “The” series product shown off at Samsung Display Tech Summit 2022 proved otherwise as they revealed a new revolution of Micro LED technology.

With capabilities rivaling the good ol’ OLED, Micro LED allows a panel to be created at a super large size hosting a high-resolution count and sophisticated visuals for premium customers. Back in 2018, The Wall was launched at a crazy 146-inch which augmented commercial use to a new level yet the newly announced model is about to do that again this year.

For starters, the The Wall All-in-One, also called the IAB series, is highlighted as one of the easiest devices to install where the size can be disregarded. According to Samsung, only 2 technicians and 2 hours of their time are needed to fully set up the big display as it comes with a pre-adjusted seam and pre-assembled frame kit. It will come in 3 models: 4K 146-inch, 2K 146-inch, and 2K 110-inch.

On the other hand, the IWB series of The Wall touts the slimmest ever pixel pitch coming in at just 0.63 and 0.94 alongside the 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10/10+ support, and LED HDR standards. And the best thing is its wide variety of sizes to choose from which are as “small” as 4K 110-inch up to the crazy 8K 220-inch.

But no matter the old guy or the new boys, all The Wall products feature the Black Seal technology for super deep blacks and Ultra Chroma for absolute accurate RGB wavelengths with 20-bit processing for great contrast ratio and smooth natural tonal gradients. The Multi View function also allows up to 4 sources to be displayed at once with perfected segmented corners without the need for a video splitter.

Other Micro LED-based products have also been shown over at the tech summit, including the ViewFinity S8 for the creative professionals and the Odyssey Ark, the most badass curved gaming monitor at 55-inches.

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