Partly cloudy. High near 85F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Low 59F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.
The Lincoln Zoning Board will allow property owner James Risko to add an LED sign onto an existing pylon at Risko’s Front Street plaza.
The Lincoln Zoning Board will allow property owner James Risko to add an LED sign onto an existing pylon at Risko’s Front Street plaza.
LINCOLN – After much debate, the owner of the Lincoln Shopping Center on Front Street has been granted local approval to install an electric signboard at the front of the plaza.
But there are still questions about whether the sign will go up, as it still needs state approval.
On Aug. 2, the Lincoln Zoning Board considered and approved James Risko’s request for an LED sign to be added to an existing pylon sign at his shopping plaza located at 172 Front St. The matter had been postponed by the board last month to give the applicant time to submit measurements for his existing signage.
Risko argued last month that, with the building set back so far from the street, his tenants do not have the visibility that others in the area do, and that an LED sign would help advertise the businesses within the plaza. The message on the sign would rotate through the various businesses in the plaza.
Explaining on Aug. 2 where things left off last month, Zoning Board Chairperson David DeAngelis said they pumped the brakes when, as they were “peeling back the layers of onion,” the board came to realize that the original sign would not be replaced, and that the LED sign would instead be added to the pylon.
“In Lincoln, there’s a rule that the signage cannot exceed 64 square feet in size,” he explained.
Risko would need a special use permit for the lighted sign, plus 82 feet of zoning relief over the 64-foot limit. All told, Risko’s total signage is now capped at 145 feet based on the special use permit and relief granted.
Board member John Mancini said he’s driven by the plaza several times since the application came through, and has come to the realization the sign would not be a distraction at its proposed location.
The board approved the sign, but there’s a catch that could prove difficult to overcome. Front Street is a state road, so Risko will need a permit from the Rhode Island Department of Transportation before he installs the new sign.
Town Solicitor Anthony DeSisto said signs adjacent to state roads can’t be converted to Trivision or equivalent technologies unless approved by RIDOT or the Federal Highway Administration. Further, he said, the state will not allow the conversion of signs utilizing LED technology pending a study by the state of safety concerns related to such signs.
The special use permit won’t take effect until it’s approved by RIDOT. The sign would have to be turned off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., or a half-hour before and half-hour after the last business in the plaza opens and closes. It may also be used for public service announcements such as Amber and Silver Alerts.
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