SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) - Police in Daytona Beach say that it was a threat on a bathroom wall at Mainland High School, that caused a large police response to a school on Friday.
According to DBPD, the threat was written on a bathroom stall and that they identified two students that had gone into the bathroom before it was written.
These students were interviewed by law enforcement and denied any involvement. This type of graffiti on this particular bathroom stall has become a common occurrence. Officers felt there was no threat but added law enforcement presence as a precaution.
On Friday, two groups of students in the cafeteria came into the lunchroom and began to warn others of the threat.
DBPD says this was intentional and planned to start a panic.
Several female students walk towards the school administrator laughing and smiling, all the way, up until they reached the administrator, at which point one of the females tells the administrator that someone had a gun. At this same time, one of the male kids, already positioned near the exit to the cafeteria, waited until the female student made the statement, then looked at her and ran out of the building, causing a large crowd to follow him.
Video of these individuals prior to and during the incident shows that neither the male nor the female students observed a gun or flinched as you would expect when shots had just been fired.
At no time in the video, does anyone stand on a table and present a gun, or fire shots as some people have posted.
Detectives had been working non-stop since Friday tracking down leads, reviewing videos, identifying people and conducting interviews.
Officers have identified the students involved and say not one has been able to point out the guy on the table, a gun, or the moment the shots would have been fired. Stories have changed from seeing the guy, or a gun, to “they just heard there was one”
Despite this being a false alarm, we will increase our law enforcement presence at the school on Monday to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
As far as the “pranksters”, charges are pending for making a false report concerning the use of firearms in a violent manner against a person or persons, a 2nd degree felony. Additionally, expulsion from school will be recommended for all involved.
Police are asking anyone to come forward if information is they have any and to not share rumors on social media.
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