Pepperdine University, based in Malibu, California, recently selected Daktronics to install two LED video displays for its women's soccer and baseball fields, according to a press release.
The displays feature a 15HD pixel layout to deliver videos, statistics, animations and replays. The soccer display is 15.5 feet high by 27.5 feet wide and the baseball display is 13.5 feet high by 47 feet wide.
"The addition of new Daktronics video boards at both Tari Frahm Rokus Soccer Field and Eddy D. Field Stadium will significantly improve the game-day experience for our student-athletes and fans," Steve Potts, director of athletics, Pepperdine University, said in the release. "As the result of a university-wide fundraising effort and the generous support from so many amazing donors, we are so proud and pleased to enhance our facilities with these new additions. We're thankful for our long association with Daktronics and their partnership on this project."
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