It's time to sing the L'Manberg National Anthem.
VidCon 2022 featured the first-ever Dream SMP panel and brought together 13 members of the popular Minecraft server to answer questions and talk about their experiences over the course of approximately an hour.
The Dream SMP Minecraft server began in 2020 and was founded by popular creator Dream when he and his friend GeorgeNotFound launched the server with the desire to play survival Minecraft alongside a small group of friends. The roster of creators quickly grew as the popularity of the creators also rose exponentially.
After some time, the server evolved into what it is known as today: a role-playing Minecraft space where the creators involved create their own characters and tell their own unique intertwining stories.
The Dream SMP panel took place on June 23 with creator Jack Manifold as the unofficial host who led the conversation and direction of the Minecraft meet-up.
Related: Derivakat drops ‘Manhunt’ song inspired by Dream Minecraft series
“Honestly, there’s a lot of people here,” the popular creator said after walking on stage and starting the event. “I don’t know this to be a fact, but all the people backstage have been telling us this is, I think, the biggest show VidCon has ever had.”
Creators who appeared at the Dream SMP VidCon panel are as follows:
Due to the lack of Dream SMP content from a few creators recently, many fans of the Minecraft server have been concerned the experience may have been coming to an end. Luckily, the creators touched on this topic during the panel as one fan asked Ranboo and Wilbur Soot for lore updates in regards to their semi-deceased characters.
“The Google Doc exists,” Ranboo said, cryptically. “The script definitely exists.”
Shortly after, a question about the entire panel’s lore creation process and how it differs from creator to creator prompted a discussion regarding lore on the server.
“We have a general structure to a lot of the scripts and a lot of it is still improv as well,” Eret explained in regard to the process of delivering lore. “It’s very flexible to see how we play with the different characters and how situations unfold through the improv as well.”
Although Dream was not in attendance for the event—he has yet to reveal his face—the creator of the server also chimed in on the discussion to confirm more Dream SMP content will come in the future. The Minecraft creator shared two tweets revealing “that there’ll be massive collaborative Dream SMP news soon” and that the Dream SMP members onstage were doing an “amazing job.”
Dream also referenced the “revive book” in his tweet, which is an item that his canonical character owns on the server, can bring people back to life, and is an essential component of the Dream SMP lore.
everyone up on the stage at VidCon is doing such an amazing job 🙂 AND THE FANS?!?! awesome to see people so excited about something we’ve all spent so much time on
The introductory part of the Dream SMP panel took around 20 minutes of the allotted one hour that was allowed for the panel. As such, the creators did not have time to answer as many questions as they would have liked and some sections of the panel were a bit rushed. Regardless, the creators seem to have enjoyed the event as several of them shared pictures and positive responses following the event’s conclusion.
You guys completely changed our lives
Thank you everyone so much, that was an unforgettable experience 💜 i’m tearing up haha
Coolest experience of my life 😀 Thank you
To everyone that was just at the panel You guys are amazing holy crao that was awesome I don’t think even know what to say
us rn. that was amazing