By Dean Gurden in Products June 9, 2022 0
A jointly developed solution that allows single-interface control of an entire digital signage network via BrightSign’s Control Cloud can be seen at InfoComm.
BrightSign is demonstrating a new integrated digital signage solution, jointly developed with LG Business Solutions, at InfoComm 2022, that allows single-interface control of an entire digital signage network
The BrightSign and LG solution, which will be shown in the Legrand booth (W903) on an LG direct-view LED video wall, enables users to control and monitor their BrightSign-connected LG displays remotely via BrightSign’s Control Cloud.
“This new joint solution takes advantage of the real-time controls that the BrightSign Control Cloud offer our customers,” said BrightSign CEO Jeff Hastings.
“Control Cloud, which is a free subscription that comes with all BrightSign media players, provides remote management capabilities that are highlighted via this collaboration with LG.”
InfoComm attendees will be the first to see the new integrated solution from LG and BrightSign. The demonstration will showcase key functionality, including the ability to remotely power on/off, change inputs, adjust volume, monitor device health and adjust device configuration.
Future updates also will allow viewing content in real time and capturing screenshots via Control Cloud.
Dan Smith, vice president of business development at LG Business Solutions USA, said: “We developed this solution in collaboration with BrightSign based on feedback from key customers that wanted the ability to conveniently manage content and devices across their entire digital signage network from a single interface.
“With this solution, digital signage is even easier to manage and operating costs are lower.”
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