A business expresses a lot about its brand through the design, layout and other aspects of its interior and exterior physical spaces. Standing out from the competition to build a brand consumers know, trust and understand involves more than digital ads and marketing content. Ideally, the look and feel of your brand will be instantly recognizable in every aspect of your business, inside and out.
With a cohesive branding strategy that integrates intentional in-office and/or in-store design using logos, colors and other elements, you can help both customers and employees connect the physical spaces your company inhabits with your brand identity. Below, members of Forbes Communications Council share tips to help businesses better communicate their brands to customers and employees via their in-store and in-office design choices.
Forbes Communications Council members share smart ways to communicate a brand via physical space design.
Deepen the brand experience for viewers and visitors with interactive digital signage. Applying QR codes within adaptive branded content not only allows viewers to connect with your brand, but it should also allow you to measure the effectiveness and ROI of your investment. - Scott Hitchins, Interact Software
2. Ensure Your Brand Is Effectively Portrayed
There is a big difference between highlighting brands that are cost-conscious versus those that are higher-end. Many times, leaders may want to cut corners when it comes to internal and external signage or advertising for budgetary reasons. Consumers, regardless of industry, will pick up on this. This even rings true for brand placement in the office at B2B companies. - Kris Pugsley, Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
3. Align Sales Engagement With In-Store Messaging
From the person-to-person interactions to the environmental aesthetics, be consistent. Your sales associate’s engagement with the consumer should align with the in-store messaging. A sign that says “Need help?” should connect customers to an employee who is willing to help. Brand colors, fonts and logos aside, the brand experience must be consistently delivered. - Kimberly Osborne, UNC Greensboro
4. Accentuate Your Distinctive Brand Assets Boldly
If you have an ownable color, flood the visuals with that color. If your logo or other visual elements have unique characteristics, prominently feature those. Let the things that differentiate your brand visually take center stage—and let them speak loudly. - Roger Boutin, SCORR Marketing
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5. Get Creative With Indoor And Outdoor Décor
Get creative in utilizing your branding guidelines to ensure customers understand what your company’s indoor and outdoor décor is communicating. When you think outside the box, it allows your brand to be adventurous with ideas and engages and entices customers to return for the full branded experience. - Maura Kennedy, Strategic Elements
6. Stay Consistent In Everything You Do
Everything from signage and digital marketing to ambiance and expression should align with your brand values and design aesthetic. Customers will recognize the cohesiveness of your brand, and you will quickly become recognizable, which is the whole goal of expressing yourself with branding. - Victoria Zelefsky, The Menkiti Group
7. Check Your Lease Contracts For Loopholes
Check your building/lease contracts and look for the loopholes. Your building management may limit your signage, but your contract may say something different. We have successfully installed large signs outside of the rules laid down by building managers and won the inevitable battle that ensued by using the actual terms in the contract and building agreements. - Andrew Martin, Asia Online Publishing Group
8. Match The Aesthetic To The Brand’s Sensory Details
Consider the sensory details of a brand and create an aesthetic to match. A high-end boutique may use neutral colors, soft white lighting, an array of fresh flowers and classical music to emphasize its brand. The sensation of being in a physical space is critical to how we perceive the brand. - Kate Gibbons, Star Staffing
9. Ensure All Elements Work Together To Show Your Story
It’s all in the details, from the branding elements found in unexpected places to a Wi-Fi password and the way it’s delivered. I love to see places where the elements escape from the brand book and add to the user experience—not by telling but by showing. Pro tip: Hire a designer to do the interior with your branding team and make sure colors, sounds and symbols go well together to tell a story. - Cosmin Patlageanu, YAROOMS
10. Think Big Picture And Lean Into Your Brand Personality
Think big picture and lean into your brand personality when planning a physical layout. If your brand is fun and energetic, curate your space to evoke that feeling. This is about more than just your logo and brand colors—it includes lighting, furniture, accessories, music and even scent! - Roshni Wijayasinha, Prosh Marketing
11. Think About All Of The Small Details
Think about the color. Think about the visuals you use to accompany your brand assets. Think about the way you position your logo in marketing materials. All of these small details tell a story about your brand and who you are, and all of these decisions should be made with intentionality and thought behind them to best convey a cohesive, memorable experience for customers. - Melissa Kandel, little word studio
Too often, businesses are so obsessed with being “on brand” or “consistent” that they forget how most consumers forget the thousands of advertising messages they are exposed to daily. If you want to be memorable, in-store elements have to grab attention and provoke an emotional response—if emotion is tied to an experience, it’s infinitely more likely to be remembered. - Patrick Ward, Rootstrap